Field Trials and Demonstration

Ensuring rigorous testing and real-world validation of agricultural technologies and inputs including seeds and fertilizer, is key in ensuring the effectiveness and scalability of innovations. Thus, ACENSIA has secured 20 acres of land for demonstrations and trials.  Trials and field demonstrations are essential components of our innovation process, allowing us to test new ideas, technologies, and solutions in real-world conditions before scaling them up.

ACENSIA-led trials and demonstrations serves as platforms for showcasing our innovations to a wider audience, including farmers and potential investors. These demonstrations will also provide opportunities for hands-on learning, knowledge sharing, stakeholder engagement, awareness creation, and adoption of our solutions.


Using our demo programs, we aim to evaluate the feasibility, performance, and impact of the innovations we promote through partnerships with farmers, communities, and relevant stakeholders. ACENSIA is seeking collaboration with nonprofits and businesses in implementing trials and demos.


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